Events - Month View
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location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen.
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The Arizona Outlaws drive to Death Valley will include visits to Dante’s View, Zabriskie Point, Badwater and many other points of interest. All details and a link to register can be found at the club’s website,
The Arizona Outlaws drive to Death Valley will include visits to Dante’s View, Zabriskie Point, Badwater and many other points of interest. All details and a link to register can be found at the club’s website,
The L.A. Lit and Toy Show returns to the LAX Hilton Ballroom as the centerpiece of several days of air-cooled Porsche and VW activity in Southern California. Open houses and the 356 Club Swap Meet add to the festivities, and don‘t forget the Porsche 356 Registry Meet & Greet at the Hilton on Friday, February 21 from 5 to 6:30 pm. Go to for more information.
LA Hilton Airport
Lower Level
The 356 Registry and Stoddard invite you to a reception on Friday evening 4:30-6:30 pm. Come mingle with your friends, and perhaps win a door prize! Snacks provided and cash bar.
Please RSVP to with the number in your party.
The Arizona Outlaws drive to Death Valley will include visits to Dante’s View, Zabriskie Point, Badwater and many other points of interest. All details and a link to register can be found at the club’s website,
The L.A. Lit and Toy Show returns to the LAX Hilton Ballroom as the centerpiece of several days of air-cooled Porsche and VW activity in Southern California. Open houses and the 356 Club Swap Meet add to the festivities, and don‘t forget the Porsche 356 Registry Meet & Greet at the Hilton on Friday, February 21 from 5 to 6:30 pm. Go to for more information.
EMPI, 301 E Orangethorpe Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801
Registration is now open for 356 Club‘s "All Porsche Swap Meet."
Sunday Feb 23, 2025. RAIN or SHINE
Location: EMPI, 301 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim CA 92801
The Arizona Outlaws drive to Death Valley will include visits to Dante’s View, Zabriskie Point, Badwater and many other points of interest. All details and a link to register can be found at the club’s website,