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356Talk Forum Rules and Help

Log in help

356Talk is a separate website with a separate username and password from the main site. In almost all instances, your user name is your real name with a space between first and last. Case is not important. If you have problems resetting your password, click here: Email for Help

The main site has a separate username and password; you may wish to make them the same on both sites.

356Talk Website Tips and Tricks

(Links open 356Talk forum pages)

How to read a days worth of posts quickly and efficiently

How to update your Avatar

Find a photo you like and go to Select or enter the image.

Under resize by dimensions, enter maximum size “250” in the box for the new picture size in pixels. Depending on if the photo shape enter in the box that makes both numbers 250 or less. (The other box is set automatically.)

Click “resize image”, wait for processing, then download the image. Log into 356Talk, go to your profile, and select edit profile. Pick the Avatar tab and then upload the new file. Press submit.

Website Rules

The 356 Registry operates two websites, the Main site and the 356Talk Forum. Both sites are governed by our Community Guidelines, which may be read here.

By accessing these sites, you agree to abide by them. Failure to do so may result in loss of privileges. 

Porsche 356 Registry Inc Community Guidelines (PDF)

Both websites are also covered by additional policies:
Porsche 356 Registry, Inc. Website Terms and Conditions of Use  (PDF)
Porsche 356 Registry, Inc. Privacy Policy (PDF)

A Tale of 2 Websites

The 356 Registry has 2 websites. Certain information in your profile must match on both websites. Curious about why? See more at the bottom of this page.

1. The 356Talk Forum is a completely independent website running phpBB software and is located at https:

2. The main website runs on a platform called ClubExpress and is located at

How to Access and Use the 356Talk Forum

Important for all members:

1. The email address you store in your 356Talk user profile and the main website must be the same.

2. You will need to verify your membership number (listed in your profile on the main website) is stored properly in your 356Talk user profile. It must be the same. If not, please update it. 

3. The 356 Registry requires that your user name must be your real name since it shows who posted information. We allow minor variations, but others members must be able to easily identify you. We prefer "Bob Smith" or "Robert Smith" or Robert T Smith" vs "R Smith". If you have a memorable name like Kobus Reyneke then "K Reyneke" is acceptable. 

4. You may use the same password on both sites if you wish, but they don't have to be the same. If you reset the password on either site it does not affect the other. If you want them to match you have to do that manually. Here's how: Setting User names and Passwords the same

New Members

To access the membership benefits of 356Talk, first you must join the club (New Member Signup) and be able to log in successfully on the Main Website

Once complete, please email  Forum Setup help and request your account be set up and activated.


If you wish to simply read the the forum content, you do not need to be a member or log in to 356Talk. Club members using 356Talk can access the Registry Business section, search for content, message other forum users, and post questions to get help plus all the other member benefits listed here: The Club - Membership

Why do I have to register for 356Talk separately?

356Talk runs on an independent software application called phpBB, on a separate server. Starting in about 2010, the main website and 356Talk were modified to hide the duplicate registration system, to make it easier for members to use. Unfortunately, this is not currently possible with the ClubExpress platform. Although ClubExpress has a built in forum function, it is disabled, because if we tried to migrate the data from 356Talk we would lose all the photos, all the internal links would break, and posts by past members would no longer be attributed. Want more details? Read here (PDF)

What is the history of 356Talk?

356Talk was founded in the 1990’s as an email “listserv” to connect Registry members. When emails sent to a certain 356Talk email address, the listserv retransmitted to a list of subscribers, either in real-time or in a “daily digest”. Over time, the technology’s limitations created a push that led to a transition to a web-based forum in 2008.

President Chuck House announced in 2008: “The 356 Registry's 356Talk email list has been around for nearly 15 years ever since Robin Hansen started it with help from Rick Dill. It has been a source of invaluable 356 information and camaraderie over the years for all 356 enthusiasts. From time to time over the past few years, discussion has occurred about changing the format of this list. There are some who prefer a bulletin board (BB) forum style while others prefer the immediacy of the existing email listserv. It was not a matter of old vs. new tech, instead it was about what worked the best for the subscribers. Unfortunately in the past, it was not possible to please both sides on this issue. However, I am happy to announce that you can now "have it your way". Thanks to the Herculean efforts of Brian O'Kelly with assistance from Barry Brisco, the 356 Registry will soon change to a system which will incorporate a fully featured bulletin board forum with the added capability to subscribe for email delivery. Therefore, those who want and have been clamoring for the BB forum system with its ability to post photos and better organize threads should be ecstatic and those who want to keep getting email like they have been getting can still choose to do so with minimal impact. It should be the best of both worlds.”

Where is the data from the email based 356Talk (prior to forum launch)?

The text from most of the emails were archived into a SQL database accessable on a custom website operated by the Registry from about 2009 to early 2022. All photos were lost and the resource was used only a limited amount. The database has been preserved, but the Trustees have not made any plans to invest to make it available on the new site.

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