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Bruce Smith presented Spark Plug Award

Michael Branning | Published on 6/30/2023

Bruce Smith was presented with the club’s Spark Plug award by trustee Jim Wayman at the 2023 Literature meet in LA. Bruce has written over 25 articles for the Registry magazine over the years. Many of these have been in-depth technical pieces with immense practical value, covering the ins and outs of rebuilding and improving generators, handbrake mechanisms, carburetors, ignition systems and the like. He’s also gone beyond the technical to contribute event reports from swap meets like Hershey/Carlisle and Ski Roundtop, as well as a feature article on his construction of a respectful Spyder replica. Look out for an upcoming article or two on his recent cabriolet restoration. Bruce has also been a valuable contributor of technical knowledge on the Talk forum for many years.

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